The sacred laws are very strict against the one who buys his painting with money, “making from the grace that a commodity is not sold for trade, so that he draws a bishop or a pseudo-archbishop or a priest or a deacon …
So whoever is proven to have done this painter or appointment will be stripped of his job. He is not entitled to enjoy his rank or position, but on the contrary, he is dismissed from it for obtaining it with money.
(Law 2 of the Council of Chalcedon in the Sunnah 451)
The ethical rule is that a person does not get a job unless he is entitled to it 0 and the second rule is that he who is in his job performs it and is sufficient for his salary 0, but for those whose salary is small, he is in the custody of society as a whole and in the custody of the benefactors and it is not required for him to fulfill his job because the performance of his job is not required by anyone. It stems from the service of citizens who have a right over the employers, and this right cannot be suspended 0 by a responsibility in the state – small or large – who makes himself a servant to everyone, especially to the poor who may not be blackmailed or ignoring their interests.
Message: Ephesians 4: 7-13
Brothers, each one of us was given the grace according to the gift of Christ. So he says: When he ascended to the top, he carried away captivity and gave gifts to the people. For he who has descended is the one who has also ascended above all the heavens to fill everything, and he has given that some be messengers, some prophets, some evangelists, and some shepherds and teachers in order to perfect the saints and to do the work of the service and to build the unity of Christ until we all build the body of Christ. , To the scale of the fullness of Christ