Christianity: Is It Reasonable? / 31.01.2009
I am not here to compare and favor one religion over the other or to define the nature of religion as to whether it is laws, obligations, regulations and prohibitions or not. Christianity is not any of the aforementioned even though they are indispensable in regulating human temporal life. But Christianity, in the absolute, is something else. Love which is the whole of Christianity, its doctrines included, is a divine movement in the heart and through the heart and a “move” towards the brother; and in that it is like nothing else. If we say that God is love, it is clear that He does not have countability in Him, He who “counts” God, as Imam Ali says, limits Him in the sense that the rule of numbers (Arithmetic) does not apply to Him. If you consider His oneness as a negation of “twoness”, you would count Him. And if you say that there are three manifestations in Him you also would count Him. What you say is not meant arithmetically. The oneness of the God we believe in is free of any numerical meaning. In that cadre of oneness we can see God only as adjectives we describe Him with, but His essence is manifested by all of His works which are summed up in Love.
One of the expressions of that love is the Eucharist that is our participation in the Communion Cup on Sunday about which much theology has been written and around which many unending arguments have been spun yet that mysterion (sacrament) is but the pouring forth of Christ’s sacrifice which He lifted up to the Father and itself is what we participate in. The life that spread from Golgotha to the whole universe, we take it in so we can live by receiving the love that God has loved us with. And we surround this communion with hymns and readings. But the essence of the mysterion is the descent of the Divine Love upon us and our response to it with obedience.
I have shown at different times that Pascha, “the feast of feasts and the season of seasons”, is our only real feast because Christ’s victory is celebrated and that every other feast is only an elucidation for the mystery of that victory. But what we have in the feasts is only icons of that love.
The issue is that the Lover pours down his love wholly on the beloved if the latter receives this love personally. God calls us to know our belovedness (that we are loved) and to tell others of it; and Christ is in all of that. It is true you are in need of teachings but that is only to lead you to understand that you are called to enter the Divine bridal chamber. Verily, apart from that, every discourse is garrulity (chatter).
There are some who are unable to have such vision due to darkness in the soul or insensitivity in the heart until God “throws” His light in that heart.
And light, from light obtains. Hence he who senses his belovedness carries it on to the others. So after the commandment of loving God comes the commandment “Love thy neighbor as thyself”. How could you love the other despite the hurt he has caused you? Because you know that he is God’s beloved and hence you cannot but love him with the love that you have begot (inherited) from your Lord. All else, that is not according to that measure of love is prosecution; and prosecution presupposes that there is on Earth those who condemn others with laws made by Man. To prosecute you implies that I look down at you or that I see you against me and that I want to get back what is mine through the power of the law.
In the Kingdom of Love there is no prosecution. In the world of sin you resort to law courts in that you have practiced love towards the other but he rejects it. Yes in this world there is money, rights and property. And these are governed by those in the world and these are necessities in the world of sin. And you might not be able to fly from this present world era but in Christ Jesus I take you with me to the era to come. I pull you towards it with all my affections; I pray that you would go along with me there. You might abhor the world to come because it threatens your interests. And the clash is always there, while you are in this world, between your desire for god and the application of yourself to worldly desires. The choice is yours.
Quite often people face us with the question as to how can one live according to the Gospel? If we do not tell lies, cheat or pilfer in our work we cannot earn a living. That is not true in reality; not all the institutions are founded on corruption. I knew several among the judiciary (I know several judges) who were content with their income; and if any conflict arises between what is Divine and your performance in a certain job, you have to chose what is Divine.
A young woman once told me that her employer makes improper advances to her and if she did not comply with him he would dismiss her from her job. I told her that she should have no reason not to leave the job. There are some radical decisions one has to take sometimes in this world concerning one’s closeness and commitment to God in order to strengthen the bond of love with Him. This means that you understand what Paul says, “It is not I who live but Christ lives in me.”
If you perceive this status in your relationship with God, you sever yourself from the evil world. You get bothered when that world (of evil) slips into yourself after having accustomed that self to the peace that obtains from behaving “Divinely”.
Sin is always attractive and at times it appears enchanting for you. I have known no deception as that that is in sin. It “dances” before you with pleasures that you soon realize are temporary on one side and are painful on the other; or they are painful because before committing yourself to them, they show you dreams and expectations that they do not accomplish for you. Divine love is par excellence the power in which no disappointment resides; because God does not offer except that in which your good is.
Yes, there is a massive corruptibility in Man when faced with the seduction of sin; and he seeks to bridle himself away from that in subjugating his will.
In the ascetic writings we have extensive work on the different passions that attack (scare) us but we rarely find in the literature of the East what is of benefit in taming the human will. It is true that there is a fleeing away from sin but what stands in its face is knowing God’s will for that matter and that is in knowing what God says in the Bible so that you equip yourself with the word as a shield and a helmet and a sword as Paul says. In that God would be your fortress and would drive away from you the attacks of the evil one. But most people do not love what God considers good for them and favor what is named as evil by Him. There are those who delight in stinginess, hatred, lying, opportunism, and it is hard for them to alter that love to another (that of God’s) because this would destroy the setting they have founded in themselves for sin. And if they got so engrossed in it to the point of becoming allies, they would ask you about the path of salvation.
After a long time of intimacy with sin, repentance and faith in the possibility salvation become difficult and that is so only due to your alliance with sin and it becoming a part of you. Do not you know that intimacy God’s love truly saves you and supports you all your life.
In the sermon on the mount Jesus says: “If your piety does not exceed that of the Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 20: 5). The issue as Jesus presents it is that our piety of prayer and fasting and reading the Divine word and devotions, be not one of appearances based on duties but one based on welcoming God in our hearts.
After that he says “”You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” Eye for eye was an amelioration or progress over policy of vendetta. Yet that remains in the realm of the rights and the legal.. And you do not want to cancel the rights, since you are of the rights –the nation. The question is how do you move from the realm of legalism and prosecution to that of the Divine Kingdom? The answer is “Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you so you can be the children of your father who is in heaven.” And that means that you have put an end to punishment and entered the kingdom of equality between God’s good children and His wicked ones. You would be able to understand that if you know that the Lord’s mercy is poured on all people. Christianity, understood in that way, is reasonable.
Translated by Riad Mofarej
Original Text: “هل المسيحية معقولة؟” – 31.01.2009
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