Love Your Enemies / October 15, 1995
Jesus wants me to have mercy on those who hate me out of covetousness or hurt me, for their inner misery has defeated them and made them loathe me. To have mercy is to embrace others, for I am a holder enlarged by Christ. Those who hate me have no chance to get rid of their aggressiveness unless I love them and offer them forgiveness and service.
It is not enough to say: I do not reciprocate the hostility of the one who hates me. This is an apathetic attitude. I shall deliver him from the wound he caused himself. He would not be able to hurt me if I opened my heart for him to heal his wounds. I serve him firstly in my soul; I welcome him in it for he needs affection. This is why the Lord said “Love your enemies”, and then followed it by “pray for those who spitefully use you”, which means wish them all the best and help them achieve it. It is not only a matter of forgiveness, but also taking a good initiative to cause the enemy to repent and make him happy with his repentance.
Loving enemies makes us sons of the Father in heaven. If we considered the enemy a brother, and lived this experience in our hearts, we shall know that we are the sons of God. This is why our Lord continues His speech about His father by saying: “He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.”
He unifies these and those in His heart, by the grace He bestows on them all. If He unifies them, why would you separate between friends and foes? God is a father; hence all of you are sons. This will help you gain the peace of mind; and those who used to hate you would also enjoy the peace of mind.
This does not imply you would not be sad if someone showed their enmity. But forgiveness will make your sadness turn into happiness. You may feel pity for your enemies and be surprised at their injustice. However, compassion is not enough, for it is quiescent. You should instead open your hearts and try over and over to communicate with your enemies; and if you were able to talk to them, do it humbly. Do not focus on self-defense, do not rebuke angrily, and do not offend. If your offerings and openness are not welcomed, persevere with prayers for them. Mention their names in your prayers and ask Jesus to bless them to keep yourselves away from hatred. Undoubtedly, mercy will reach them one day.
If someone showed his enmity, do not forget that the priority is his salvation. Do not take vengeance for what you call dignity; for your only dignity is the one given to you by God. It is love that makes us acquire our dignity.
Why can you forgive? You can because you are a healer for all people. And God made you the healer of your enemies in particular, for a relation takes place between you. You are his healer, because you are the only one that knows about his illness. He reveals himself to you if he hates you. You shall not be concerned by your soul that he tried to hurt but failed to defeat. Your main concern is nothing but his soul wounded by hatred. His enmity is a chance for you to reciprocate his hostility by the righteousness the Christ has bestowed upon you. This would be the utmost joy for both of you.
Translated from Arabic – 15.04.10
Original Text: “أحبّوا أعداءكم” – 15.10.95
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